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The Candles Making History

When the candles found ? In this article you can learn the history of candles making. The art of making candles has been around since primitive times. Without a doubt, as time went by they become much different in design than what they were back then. During the early days, candles were a necessity for heat and light. Today they act as decorations, wonderfully smelling mechanisms in our homes, and offer light for romantic dinners and baths.

The very first known utilization of candles is not completely known. The remains of clay candle holders which date back into 4 BC have given us the knowledge which they have been in use for a rather long time. Those clay candle holders were found in Egypt.

Candles were also found in ancient times in both China and Japan. These candles were made from wax extracted from insects and seeds. The taper candles of India were made from the wax extracted from boiled cinnamon. Candles are not known to exist in American until 1 AD. It is believed Native American’s burned oily fish as well as the back of the Cerio tree. When settlers came to New England, they used similar techniques to extract wax from bayberries. Many modern candle makers still use which process to make bayberry candles. However, it is quite expensive to do so.

Tallow was this product used to make candles in the 1600’s and 1700’s. which is a byproduct from animal fat. The product worked well but had a foul odor, especially when it absolutely was burning. Bees wax and paraffin wax both were introduced in the early 1800’s, and tallow stopped being used.

The dipping process for taper candles as we know it today began in 13 AD. Traveler merchants went door to door from town to town. While there, they made taper candles for folk in their homes. Around 15 AD the idea to utilize molds for various sorts of candles was introduced in Paris. While this greatly improved the candle making process, there were still issues with getting the candles to burn properly.

Within the 1800’s, candle makers felt the wick was the weakest part regarding the candle as well as the cause of defective burning patterns. A braided wick was developed in 1825 that seemed to greatly improve the burning of several forms of candles. By 1830, a process was at spot to make candles using paraffin wax and molds. These candles were of great quality and burned well.

As gas and electricity were introduced, the candle making process continued to evolve. It became much easier and faster to melt the paraffin wax. It is believed that the reason so numerous for the elements of candle making stayed the same, including the hand dipping process is because the popularity of candles diminished aided by the introduction of electricity.

Today, candle making is a well known art form. There are several companies whom manufacture wonderful candles with some very unique fragrances. There are many small businesses that still make their candles by home in their kitchen. Candle making is a wonderful hobby and fun activity for the whole family to be involved in.

Candles are increasingly being used more for luxury and pleasure than for light or heat. The candle industry continues to grow with new types of candles being introduced all the time. The quantity of colors, fragrances, and forms of candles to select from in the marketplace is absolutely amazing.

Candles are a very common home decorating item. These include familiar with accent any room in your house. These are typically a typical centerpiece for dinner parties and formal occasions. The unity candles which are presided over at many weddings hold a deep feeling of tradition in the American culture.

The art of making candles has definitely changed as time passes. If you are interested in trying your hand at it, choose a candle that is fairly easy to make for instance the container candle or the votive. This may permit you the opportunity to get used to the process. There are many lots of good candle making kits available for a low price along with books to provide you tips and assistance along the way.

Learn more my article about Holland House Candles here !